Timberborn celebrates its second anniversary and 1,000,000 copies sold with a new trailer

‍Warsaw, Poland, September 15, 2023. Timberborn, the highly acclaimed beaver city builder from Polish developer Mechanistry, is celebrating its two-year Early Access anniversary! Since September 15th, 2021, the game has sold over one million copies. To celebrate these milestones, Mechanistry has released a new gameplay trailer showcasing the game’s signature features such as the two beaver factions, vertical architecture, post-apocalyptic droughts, and water physics.

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Timberborn is our debut title – when it launched on September 15, 2021, we were unsure what to expect. We chose the self-publishing route and, operating on an indie budget, that launch was our studio’s make or break. Two years and a million copies sold later, we’re proud to have a thriving community of dedicated players and a game we continue to improve, working towards the 1.0 launch.

- says Kamil Dawidów, Mechanistry’s Co-CEO.

Mechanistry is now working on its fifth major content update for the game, soon to be released onto Timberborn’s experimental branch.

The new Timberborn gameplay trailer published today is narrated by Elle Newlands, known for her roles in Diablo 4 and Apex Legends, among other titles. The 4K video and an updated selection of in-game screenshots can be found in Timberborn’s press kit.

Timberborn Early Access highlights

  • Two beaver factions, each with unique food chains, and buildings.
  • Bots - faction-specific mechanized workers that operate 24/7.
  • Dams, canals, underwater paths, river control - here, city-building has beaver flair.
  • Water physics and fully terra-formable maps.
  • Vertical architecture - stack buildings atop one another, use platforms and bridges.
  • Droughts - irrigate the land to keep fields and forests alive as droughts hit them hard.
  • Map editor, community-made mods, and more.

About Mechanistry

Mechanistry is an independent studio with thirteen members scattered across Poland, developing its debut title, the beaver city-building game Timberborn. The game successfully launched into Early Access on September 15, 2021, selling over 1,000,000 copies within two years, and maintaining an overwhelmingly positive rating from players.

For Press Inquiries

Michal Amielanczyk, Communications Manager

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